Amazone’s Cayros Plough range of mounted reversible ploughs are available in 2 to 6 furrows, suitable for tractors from 50 to 380 hp. A standard feature on all Cayros ploughs feature is a stone safety device with shear bolts and a mechanical furrow width adjustment in four steps. As a special option, the Cayros S version is available with fully automatic hydraulic stone safety device and the Cayros V with hydraulic furrow width adjustment.
Lloyd Ltd offers an impressive range of ploughs from leading brands:
- Amazone
- New Holland (formerly Kongskilde)
- We are also a dealer for Grange Machinery whose cultivation solutions can be use in combination with other machines to ensure only one pass is needed.
From all these manufacturers you can choose the right ploughing solution for your requirements.
Amazone Cayros Ploughs
Models include:
- M
- XM
- XS
- XS Pro
Click to read the Amazone Cayros Plough Brochure.

Amazone Cayron Ploughs
Suitable for tractors up to 290 hp, the mounted Cayron reversible plough is available in 5 and 6 furrows. The furrow width of each body on the Cayron 200 can be adjusted in three steps of 40 cm, 45 cm and 50 cm while the Cayron 200 V features hydraulic front furrow width adjustment as standard. When changing the furrow width, the front furrow width is matched hydraulically automatically.
Click to read the Amazone Cayron Plough Brochure.

New Holland Ploughs
Thanks to New Holland’s acquisition of the agricultural Grass and Soil business of Denmark’s Kongskilde Industries in late 2016, the company renowned for its tractors and combines now has a new string to its bow, adding Tillage, Seeding and Hay & Forage implements to its product range.
Product types include:
- Fully-mounted reversible plough
- Fully-mounted variable width reversible plough
- Semi-mounted reversible plough
- Semi-mounted variable width reversible plough
Click to read the New Holland Ploughs Brochure.

For more information
Contact your local Lloyd Ltd branch to learn more about our plough range or to book a demo.